Our values and beliefs inform and drive our work, and hold us to account

We are acutely aware of our responsibilities as a business and a values driven and ethically committed team. Our goals are to provide equal chances for all, challenge disadvantage, support social mobility, and achieve best practice in services for children and families.

We aim to achieve the highest levels of safeguarding practice, through all aspects of our work and specialist training delivery. Of key importance is the promotion of anti-discriminatory practice and equalities. We believe that having access to the highest quality services can have transformational effects on children's and families' health, safety, achievement and positive contributions.

We believe in a mixed economy in the sector, and our multi-disciplinary team has a passion for partnership working beyond traditional or set boundaries.

In terms of our impact, we constantly monitor and review our use of resources. This includes our time, travel, and physical resources. We aim to make conscious, economical and environmentally focused choices for the benefit of our clients, service users and beneficiaries, and the local and global community. We use resources from sustainable and renewable sources, and recycle whatever we can.

For safeguarding concerns, comments or complaints about the Hempsall’s service, please contact James Hempsall, Director, james.hempsall@coramhempsalls.org.uk 0844 824 3083. In the event of you being unsatisfied with our response we will refer you to our funding client where possible.
